Food and Agriculture Organization Director-General - José Graziano da Silva, Brazil (2012–present)
International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General - Yukiya Amano, Japan (2009–present)
International Civil Aviation Organization President of the Council - Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez, Mexico (2006–present)
Secretary-General - Raymond Benjamin, France (2009–present)
International Labour Organization Director-General - Guy Ryder, UK (2012–present)
United Nations Secretary-General - Ban Ki Moon, South Korea (2007–present),
President of the General Assembly - Vuk Jeremic, Serbia (2012–2013),
John William Ashe, Antigua and Barbuda (2013-2014)
Security Council members - China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States
(permanent members);
Azerbaijan, Guatemala, Morocco, Pakistan, Togo (elected for 2012–2013); Argentina, Australia, Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Rwanda (elected for 2013–2014)
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Executive Director - Anthony Lake, United States (2010–present)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Director-General - Irina Bokova, Bulgaria (2009–present)
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights High Commissioner Navanethem Pillay, South Africa (2008–present)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) High Commissioner - António Guterres, Portugal (2005–present)
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Director-general - Kandeh Yumkella, Sierra Leone (2005–present)
World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director - Josette Sheeran, United States (2007–present)(data by facebook/cnaonweb)
World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General - Margaret Chan, China (acting) (2007–present)
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) President - Alexander Bedritsky, Russia (2003–present)
Secretary-General - Michel Jarraud, France (2004–present)
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Secretary-General - Taleb Rifai, Jordan (2010–present)
African Development Bank - President - Donald Kaberuka, Rwanda (2005–present)
Asian Development Bank - President - Takehiko nakao, Japan (2013–present)
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development President - Suma Chakrabarti, India (2012–present)
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) President - Luis Alberto Moreno, Colombia (2005–present)
International Monetary Fund Managing Director - Christine Lagarde, France (2011–present)data by facebook/
Islamic Development Bank (IDB) President - Ahmad Mohamed Ali, Saudi Arabia (1975–present)
World Bank President - Jim Yong Kim, Korea (2012-present)
International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General - Yukiya Amano, Japan (2009–present)
International Civil Aviation Organization President of the Council - Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez, Mexico (2006–present)
Secretary-General - Raymond Benjamin, France (2009–present)
International Labour Organization Director-General - Guy Ryder, UK (2012–present)
United Nations Secretary-General - Ban Ki Moon, South Korea (2007–present),
President of the General Assembly - Vuk Jeremic, Serbia (2012–2013),
John William Ashe, Antigua and Barbuda (2013-2014)
Security Council members - China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States
(permanent members);
Azerbaijan, Guatemala, Morocco, Pakistan, Togo (elected for 2012–2013); Argentina, Australia, Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Rwanda (elected for 2013–2014)
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Executive Director - Anthony Lake, United States (2010–present)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Director-General - Irina Bokova, Bulgaria (2009–present)
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights High Commissioner Navanethem Pillay, South Africa (2008–present)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) High Commissioner - António Guterres, Portugal (2005–present)
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Director-general - Kandeh Yumkella, Sierra Leone (2005–present)
World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director - Josette Sheeran, United States (2007–present)(data by facebook/cnaonweb)
World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General - Margaret Chan, China (acting) (2007–present)
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) President - Alexander Bedritsky, Russia (2003–present)
Secretary-General - Michel Jarraud, France (2004–present)
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Secretary-General - Taleb Rifai, Jordan (2010–present)
African Development Bank - President - Donald Kaberuka, Rwanda (2005–present)
Asian Development Bank - President - Takehiko nakao, Japan (2013–present)
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development President - Suma Chakrabarti, India (2012–present)
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) President - Luis Alberto Moreno, Colombia (2005–present)
International Monetary Fund Managing Director - Christine Lagarde, France (2011–present)data by facebook/
Islamic Development Bank (IDB) President - Ahmad Mohamed Ali, Saudi Arabia (1975–present)
World Bank President - Jim Yong Kim, Korea (2012-present)
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