Hypermetropic people are what : Long Sighted
Which leader lives in the Potola : Dalai Lama
What wood was the cross supposed to be made of : Mistletoe
Joseph Levitch became famous as who : Jerry Lewis
If you planted a bandarilla what are you doing : Bullfighting
What was the first Pink Floyd album : Piper at the gates of dawn
In which city was the first public opera house opened : Venice
In what Elvis film did he play a double role : Kissing Cousins
The Aphrodite of Melos has a more famous name what : Venus de Milo
Which country invented the concentration camp Britain : Boer war
John Huston scored a hit with his first film what? : Maltese falcon
Stan laurel, Mickey Rooney, Lana Turner what in common : 8 marriages
What real person has been played most often in films : Napoleon Bonaparte
Scotopic people can do what : See in the dark
What is the most critical thing keeping bananas fresh transport Temperature not below : 13 C 55F
What is the name of the Paris stock exchange : Bourse
Whose music featured in The Clockwork Orange : Beethoven
What was the Troggs most famous hit : Wild Thing
In Japan what colour car is reserved for the royal family only : Maroon
What city has Kogoshima as its airport : Tokyo
What was gangsters George Nelsons nickname : Baby Face
Whose first wife was actress Jayne Wyman : Ronald Regan
In MASH what is Radars favourite drink : Grape Knee High
What do you give on the third wedding anniversary : Leather
What is a baby whale called : Calf
In which film did the Rolls Royce have the number plate AU1 : Goldfinger
Vladamere Ashkenazy plays what musical instrument : Piano
With which organ does a snake hear : Tongue
On what is the Mona Lisa painted : Wood
What is the second most common international crime : Art theft
Count de Grisly was the first to perform what trick in 1799 : Saw woman in half
Who wrote Les Miserable : Victor Hugo
Which bird turns it head upside down to eat : Flamingo
The colossus of Rhodes was a statue of who : Apollo
Who rode a horse called Bucephalus : Alexander the Great
To which London club did Mycroft Holmes belong : Diogones
What did William Addis invent in prison : Toothbrush
What is the only duty of police Gracthenvissers in Amsterdam : Motorists in canals
Kleenex tissues were originally intended as what in 1915 WW1 : Gas mask filters
Who invented popcorn : American Indians
What is the colour of mourning in : Turkey Violet
For what is spirits of salt another name : Hydrochloric acid
Which game is played on an oval with 18 player per team : Australian football
In the Winnie the Pooh stories what is Kanga’s baby called : Roo
Which actor is common to Magnificent 7 and Dirty Dozen : Charles Bronson
Who saved Andromeda from the sea monster : Perseus
What flower is the symbol of secrecy : Rose
What item were originally called : Hanways Umbrellas
What is Brussels best known statue : The Mannequin Pis
In which language does God Jul mean happy : Xmas Swedish
Which leader lives in the Potola : Dalai Lama
What wood was the cross supposed to be made of : Mistletoe
Joseph Levitch became famous as who : Jerry Lewis
If you planted a bandarilla what are you doing : Bullfighting
What was the first Pink Floyd album : Piper at the gates of dawn
In which city was the first public opera house opened : Venice
In what Elvis film did he play a double role : Kissing Cousins
The Aphrodite of Melos has a more famous name what : Venus de Milo
Which country invented the concentration camp Britain : Boer war
John Huston scored a hit with his first film what? : Maltese falcon
Stan laurel, Mickey Rooney, Lana Turner what in common : 8 marriages
What real person has been played most often in films : Napoleon Bonaparte
Scotopic people can do what : See in the dark
What is the most critical thing keeping bananas fresh transport Temperature not below : 13 C 55F
What is the name of the Paris stock exchange : Bourse
Whose music featured in The Clockwork Orange : Beethoven
What was the Troggs most famous hit : Wild Thing
In Japan what colour car is reserved for the royal family only : Maroon
What city has Kogoshima as its airport : Tokyo
What was gangsters George Nelsons nickname : Baby Face
Whose first wife was actress Jayne Wyman : Ronald Regan
In MASH what is Radars favourite drink : Grape Knee High
What do you give on the third wedding anniversary : Leather
What is a baby whale called : Calf
In which film did the Rolls Royce have the number plate AU1 : Goldfinger
Vladamere Ashkenazy plays what musical instrument : Piano
With which organ does a snake hear : Tongue
On what is the Mona Lisa painted : Wood
What is the second most common international crime : Art theft
Count de Grisly was the first to perform what trick in 1799 : Saw woman in half
Who wrote Les Miserable : Victor Hugo
Which bird turns it head upside down to eat : Flamingo
The colossus of Rhodes was a statue of who : Apollo
Who rode a horse called Bucephalus : Alexander the Great
To which London club did Mycroft Holmes belong : Diogones
What did William Addis invent in prison : Toothbrush
What is the only duty of police Gracthenvissers in Amsterdam : Motorists in canals
Kleenex tissues were originally intended as what in 1915 WW1 : Gas mask filters
Who invented popcorn : American Indians
What is the colour of mourning in : Turkey Violet
For what is spirits of salt another name : Hydrochloric acid
Which game is played on an oval with 18 player per team : Australian football
In the Winnie the Pooh stories what is Kanga’s baby called : Roo
Which actor is common to Magnificent 7 and Dirty Dozen : Charles Bronson
Who saved Andromeda from the sea monster : Perseus
What flower is the symbol of secrecy : Rose
What item were originally called : Hanways Umbrellas
What is Brussels best known statue : The Mannequin Pis
In which language does God Jul mean happy : Xmas Swedish
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